Long-term rentals
For landlords looking for someone to provide pro-active property management targeted at long-term gain, we offer a lease-option arrangement where we will agree a fixed future value for the property today.
During the lease we will take full responsibility for the property, the tenants and letting agents leaving the landlord with peace-of-mind. When the lease is finished we will arrange sale of the property for the guaranteed future value, or market value (which-ever is higher).

Short-stay rentals
For landlords looking to maximize their current income security we offer a guaranteed monthly rental and manage your property as a short-stay location using popular services like AirBnB and HomeAway.
Letting us manage the rental for you eliminates all the risk and work typically associated with short-stay. We deal with all furnishing / decorating, bookings, security, cleaning & maintenance for you. Of course you’re still free to inspect the property yourself in addition to our reporting.